Speaking at the workshop, Istanbul Gelisim University Rector Prof. Dr. Bahri Şahin stated that he was happy to host such an event and said, “Turkish is rapidly advancing towards becoming a world language. It is not sustainable for civilizations to progress
in a single area alone. Development; takes place together
in the field of technique, social, language and art. As science develops, Turkish will also develop and become a world language.” He emphasized that Turkish should be transferred to future generations.
Director of Turkish and Foreign Language Application and Research Center Dr. Mustafa Kerem Börü, "The aim of the Workshop on Sustainability
in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language
in the 21st century is to bring together our valuable academicians who have added value to this field and contributed to the literature. We organize this workshop to reach new information by thinking and discussing the points where we can improve and develop our problems
in the literature. Valuable academics from universities all over Turkey accompany us here. At the end of the day, we aim to solve our problems
in this area by forwarding the report we will make to the necessary authorities.” he said.
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